Audio-frequency induction loop systems (AFILS) allow hearing impaired people to hear more clearly.
Most hearing aids have a ‘T’ or ‘MT’ switch which allows them to pick up the electromagnetic field generated by an induction loop system. The hearing aid converts this signal into a sound suited to its user’s specific hearing requirements.
Any person with a hearing aid positioned within or near the loop can hear the loop signal by switching their hearing aid to the correct position, allowing them to participate more effectively in general conversation, ordering goods or services, listening to public performances, etc.
Conventional wired systems are usually installed when a building is newly built or undergoing refurbishment. These are installed to the latest BS & European standards BS7594 and EN60118-4.
Drastically reducing the time taken during the installation process, Wireless hearing systems are generally used in occupied areas.
An infra-red transmitter is connected to the sound system to transmit the audio to any infra-red receivers nearby.
If wearing a hearing aid, an infra-red receiver is simply worn around the neck to produce a localised induction loop. However, these systems can also be used by people with 'normal' hearing in order to hear a soundtrack associated with a museum exhibit, for example. In this case a 'stethoset' receiver can be worn.